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SMM Panel with more then 5 year on the market and more then 40 million orders processed successfully!

The Best SMM Panel: Why You Should Join One And Which One To Choose

The Best SMM Panel: Why You Should Join One And Which One To Choose

Many people are using social media nowadays, including business owners. This creates an opportunity to connect with your audience and potentially increase revenue. But if you don’t use it properly, you could look like a spammer or someone who just wants to push their product on others. That’s why you need the help of a Cheap SMM PANEL at your disposal.

What is an SMM panel?

Social media management panels are services that offer marketing automation tools for social media accounts, which streamlines the process of posting, scheduling posts, monitoring engagement levels, and resolving customer service issues. The Indian SMM panel manages everything for you so you can focus on running your business. There are many benefits to having one too!

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The New Reels videos feature on Instagram

The New Reels videos feature on Instagram

Some of us, if not many must have noticed the new feature that has been added to Instagram. This feature is known as the Reels feature. Does it seem similar as if you had seen anything like it before? Exactly. You guessed right as you may have seen a similar feature on Tiktok. Do you know how this new feature works on Instagram?

Just like Tiktok, Instagram has come up with a new and easier way of recording short video clips of about 15 seconds that you can share as Feeds or Stories on your Instagram account. As part of enhancing content creation and entertainment on its application, Instagram has enabled this feature that allows users to record and post short videos with set music. With its special feed and explore page, Reels videos are set to be the next big place for entertainment and quality content on Instagram. The explore page is filled with collections of short reel videos which makes it seem exactly like the popular Tiktok app. 

The recent feature by Instagram comes in the wake of recent turbulence faced by Tiktok as it is set for a potential ban in the United States. However, with this recent inclusion by Instagram, more social media users will get to enjoy this fun way of creating content if at all Tiktok eventually fazes out.

How do the Reels feature work on Instagram?

Instagram users can now create short videos while adding interesting audio to it. Just as with Tiktok where you can import sounds from existing videos and then act or mime to it, Instagram also has the same feature now. Reels feature comes with a well-improved video editing feature that allows all users and content creators to edit videos and share them on their stories and Reels explore page.

You can create Reels videos as easily as you could upload Instagram stories. To create your own Reels videos on Instagram,

Go to the Explore page on your Instagram

Click on the Reels icon by the side and then select the top right button where you can start recording your videos.

Add audio either from your local playlist or import audio from already existing Reels videos. On any reel video, click on Original Audio and then select Use Audio if you would like to add the same music or soundtrack to your video.

Share your Reel video either to your Story or to your Reels video Feed.

If you want to check out other Reels videos uploaded by other Instagram users you follow, you can get that on the For You page meant for Reels videos. However, the Reels explore page displays not only videos shared by people you follow even though it brings videos related to your usual interactions. You have access to an unlimited number of Reels videos from trending pages that are popular on Instagram. The interface is very simple and easy to use.

By swiping up and down, you can move between the previous and the next reel videos to keep you entertained. As you do this, you will see some videos labeled "Featured". Featured reel videos are usually video content selected by Instagram and considered educative and inspiring enough for the public to view. It may turn out that your Reel video, too, will be featured on the reels explore page as you will be notified.

Reels Video Editing

To affirm that you are in absolute control of your reel's video content, the video editing tools allow you to remove unwanted parts of any video you have recorded and import the ones you prefer. In essence, these tools help you to bring the very best out of yourself and to share quality content with other users on Instagram. Some of the video editing tools include;

1. Video speed adjustment

Here, you can determine the speed of your reel videos. Whether you prefer a fast-paced or a slow-motion video, you have it all to decide.

2. Video effects collection

Effects make up your videos look. There is a collection of video effects available for use in the library. You can choose one of these and apply it to enhance your reel videos.

3. Duration of clip

Right from starting the reel video, select the stopwatch icon to set how long you want the reel video to be. The timer starts ticking when you start recording. You can, however, stop your video and start as many times you want just as with Tiktok while holding and releasing the record button.

Several other tools such as adding stickers and likes can help improve your videos. You can also add a video thumbnail to your video by selecting an image from your local files. 

How do Instagram Reels help my brand or business?

This is a crucial one for business owners and brands who are concerned about reaching out to a larger audience for marketing purposes. The new Reels feature on Instagram is an effective means to grow your customer and followers based on the social app. It helps your brand to create more creative content that will, in the same vein, engage your followers and entertain them. Through short 15- seconds video clips like these, you can introduce recent products or services from your business to your audience on Instagram space. 

These tips will surely help you get the best out of Instagram Reels for your business marketing;

Post video content that seeks to educate and inform your followers or viewers.
Record your new products and innovations and share them with your audience.
Fashion your content in such a manner that your viewers can relate to them.

The new Reels feature by Instagram is an excellent opportunity for you to increase engagements on your account. As you post Reels videos, more Instagram users will find your videos relatable and entertaining and through that, you earn some new followers or you can buy real followers from our Cheap SMM PANEL. 

In a similar manner, Instagram Reels offers a big room for brands and businesses to display new products, services, tech, and innovations to both existing and prospective clients. With the only available analytics methods being videos likes, comments, and number of views, you will be able to analyze engagements on your Reels videos and impro
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What are Child Panels and how do they differ from regular SMM Panel?

What are Child Panels and how do they differ from regular SMM Panel?

What is a Child Panel?

From its name, a child panel refers to a panel that has its connection derived from a regular panel. A child panel has fewer ranges of features when compared with a regular panel, and because of this, the user experience might be a little bit lesser.

SMM Panel are known as sites where you can purchase marketing services for your customers,

They are of two types namely regular panels and child panels. This article sets out to inform you about child panels and how they differ from the more popular regular cheap SMM panel.

Differences between child panel and regular panel

As stated earlier, a child panel is not the same as a regular panel, even though they are both SMM panels. The following are some of the differences that exist between a child panel and a regular panel;

1. SMM Panel Ownership

A child panel does not belong exclusively to the owner. Since a child panel is linked to the regular panel, all rights and ownership of the panel belong to the regular panel to which the child panel is linked. The owner of the regular panel can then choose to share its panel with a child panel. This means that the owner of a regular panel has absolute control over all data stored on your child panel.

2. Number of available features to select from and use

Unlike the regular panel with a wide range of available features, the child panel has fewer and a limited number of features that your customers can choose from. In the same manner, a child panel has restricted features use, and activities. This means that some features such as free balance, admin API as well as average time are not available for use in the child panel. Some other features, however, are not completely available for use on the child panel. This is due to the fact that these features will require that they are activated firstly on the regular panel to which the child panel is linked. These features will not be active on your child panel unless they are activated on the regular panel. Examples of such features are order refills and placing subscriptions.

3. Service providers

A regular panel can have as many providers as you decide to. On the contrary, a child panel is only limited to a sole provider which itself is the regular panel it is connected to.

How does the Child Panel work?

A child panel works in a way that you can specify the category of services that you want to provide to your customers. Whether you want to buy from a regular panel and sell to your customer’s likes, followers, or video views on Facebook and Instagram, you can easily do this on your child panel. All you have to do is export all the services after selecting the categories of choice to indicate the services you want to provide from your seller panel. You can sell to your customers and manage your customer orders without knowing about your seller panel. Your customer will never know about your seller panel. Your Childpanel will only connect with your seller panel by API.

Cost of Maintenance

Most users opt for a child panel because the cost of panel maintenance is considerably low and cheaper than for a regular panel. Maintaining a child panel costs an average of $19.99 each month for Unlimited orders.

However, all cheap SMM panel orders and maintenance still go through the regular panel that a child panel is linked to. 

Bulkfollows.com has provided that all customers who are on Elite, VIP, or Master Statuses be given child panel maintenance free of charge for their lifetime.

Features of Child Panel

Despite having lesser features than the regular panel, the child panel, however, has unique features that make it a good panel. These are some of the features available in your child panel

1. Order Refill

The order refill feature on your child panel enables you to re-activate and import a particular service on your child panel immediately after it terminates. You will be able to set the number of days and the frequency.

2. Email verification

This feature helps you to prove the identity of your customers. Some customers may intend to scam you by providing false contact addresses and the like. A good way to get in touch is by verifying their email addresses to be sure of their identities.

3. Custom header and footer

It allows you to connect your child panel with Google Analytics and other kinds of panel tracks. You can easily generate reports and insights. Just copy your tracking code into the custom code sections.

4. Subscriptions
5. Tickets system enabling
6. User Management

You can manage your all customer details from the User page.

How to order child panel on Bulkfollows.com

For you to place orders for your child panel on Bulkfollows.com, you start by;

1. Renaming the name server of our customer’s domain

You can do this by visiting the website where you purchased your domain. After that, you need to change the name server and set it to : 



For customers who do not have a domain yet, Bulkfollows.com can help them out with the purchasing domain. Bulkfollows will charge you 8.99$ per year for a domain. If you are a VIP or Master account holder, it's free of charge for a lifetime.

2. Submit your order

The next step to order a child panel after changing your domain name server is to submit your order for a child panel. Important sections in the Orders section to fill in include the preferred domain name, the currency of payment, the preferred username, and the password. You can then proceed to submit your order. Upon submitting your order, wait for about 2-3 hours before your order is approved. If your order is yet approved after this, be sure to notify us on Skype and we will resolve this.

3. Login to your child panel

After your child panel has been activated, proceed to log in to your panel by providing your username and password. Once you have logged in, you can then make changes such as selecting a new theme, changing your language, time zone, and the like.

If you want to know more about the setup of your Child Panel, you can watch the video : 

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What is SMM Panel ? How does smm panel work ?

What is SMM Panel ? How does smm panel work ?

What is an SMM Panel?

An SMM Panel (Social Media Marketing Panel) is a website where people buy likes, followers, views, and comments to grow their social media pages. It helps businesses and individuals gain more attention and trust online. 

How Does an SMM Panel Work?

Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great for business, but getting noticed can be hard. That’s where an SMM panel helps to businesses and individuals 

With an SMM panel, you can:  
- Buy followers, likes, and views to look more popular.  
- Increase engagement on posts to attract more customers.  
- Boost credibility —people trust brands with more followers.  
For example, a company with 500,000 followers looks more trustworthy than one with just 2,000. The more engagement you have, the more people will believe in your brand. 

Why Use an SMM Panel?

- More Engagement – More likes and comments make your brand look stronger.  
- Attract More Customers – People prefer to buy from popular brands.  
- Quick & Easy – Orders are delivered fast, so you see results quickly.  
- Safe & Secure  – Your account stays safe, and your brand gets more exposure.  
If you’re a photographer, designer, or small business, more likes and views can help you grow and get more customers. 

SMM Services for Resellers

SMM panels also help resellers —people who buy in bulk and sell services to others. If you want to make money online, you can:  
- Buy likes, views, and followers in bulk.  
- Sell them to businesses or influencers.
- Make a profit while helping others grow.
At Bulkfollows, we also help businesses run ads and social media campaigns to reach more people beyond their followers.  

Why Choose an SMM Panel?

Since social media is the best way to promote a business, using an SMM panel makes it easy to reach the right audience.  
- Affordable & Cheap – Grow your brand at a low cost.
- Fast Delivery – Get results instantly.
- Better Engagement – More likes, shares, and comments mean better visibility.

If you want to grow your social media fast or earn money reselling services, an SMM panel is the perfect tool.  

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